Ethereum Node Performance: JSON Remote RPC Issue

As an Ethereum developer, you probably know the importance of reliable and fast blockchain connectivity. However, I ran into a frustrating issue when making remote JSON-RPC calls on one of my Ethereum nodes.

After confirming that my node was running with a standard bitcoind command ($ bitcoind -server -url I discovered that I was trying to make a remote JSON-RPC call to a library such as `eth. -RPC” or “eth.js” does not return any results. Despite several attempts, I was unable to send and receive data over the Ethereum network.


To understand what is happening, let’s take a closer look at how Ethereum nodes communicate with each other via the JSON-RPC interface. When you run a node with bitcoind, it creates an RPC server on port 8545. An RPC client, such as “eth-RPC” or “eth.js”, connects to this server and sends requests for data.

However, I have noticed that some nodes have reported issues sending JSON objects via the JSON-RPC remoting interface. Specifically, the issue is with how Ethereum nodes handle serializing values ​​into JSON strings.


To resolve this issue, I recommend that you update your node configuration to enable strict mode for JSON serialization. Follow these steps:

  • Update the bitcoind command: Update your RPC server settings by running the following command:

$ bitcoind server -url --jsonrpc-strict true

This enables strict JSON serialization and prevents sending unexpected data.

  • Check Node Configuration Files: Check your node configuration files (usually “node.config.js” or “config.json”) to make sure the “JSONRPC” section is configured correctly. Look for settings such as “jsonrpcVersion” or “rpcUrls” that may be causing problems.
  • Check JSON-RPC Interface

    Ethereum: Can't make successful call via remote JSON RPC

    : Make sure the RPC client library you are using is compatible with the updated node configuration. For example, if you are using “eth-RPC”, be sure to update your code to use the new settings.

Tips and Precautions

  • When updating your node configuration, ensure that all connections are successfully established before attempting JSON RPC remote calls.
  • If you have changed your network interface or firewall rules, you may need to reconfigure your node accordingly.
  • Keep in mind that JSON serialization strict mode can lead to increased memory usage and slower data transfer rates.


To summarize, I encountered an issue when making JSON-RPC remote calls to one of my Ethereum nodes, which was due to the way it handles JSON object serialization. By updating the “bitcoind” command and ensuring the node’s JSON-RPC interface is properly configured, you should be able to resolve this issue and make successful JSON-RPC remote calls using your preferred library.

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