Understanding original Blockdownload field” getblockchaininfo rpc : **

“The original BlockdownloadGetblockchaininfo RPC is an important parameter that provides an idea of ​​how Bitcoin’s Blockchain update process works. This article examines the mechanics of this field and explores its importance.

What is original blockdownload?

The ‘Origin of Origin’ represents the number of blocks loaded online in the first block of each mining window, starting with the latest known block. It does not contain blocks that are currently mined or updated.

How does it work?

Bitcoin: How does the initialblockdownload field in the getblockchaininfo RPC work?

When the node starts connecting with the Bitcoin network using the Getblockchaininfo rpc, it sends two types of requests:Getmininginfo and Getblockinfo. "The original Blockdownload field is part of the first ‘Getblockinfo’ request, showing how many blocks were loaded during the original block charging phase.

original block charging phase

During the original block charging phase, a new set of mining workers will start the mining blocks in response to the network event pool. A node that has begun communication with the network sends these miners to update local Blockchain information. These updates include the latest known block number, the previous block number and other relevant information.

The original block charging phase is crucial because it determines how many blocks have been charged online in the first block of each mining window. This field provides a snapshot of Blockchain status at that moment, giving an idea of ​​the progress of the network update process.

When’s the “original blockdownload” change?

If you turn off your knot and restart it after inactivity or when there are problems online, does the “original Blockdownload” will look like?

The answer depends on several factors:

* Node configuration : If your knot is configured to update its local blockchain regularly (eg every 30 minutes), you will probably see the change in “original Blockdownload” applications “after turning off and starting the node again.

* Network Activity : If you have problems online or have recently experienced a large transaction reserve, the original block charging phase may take some time. In this case, the ‘original’ may not look true right away.

* Transaction -Pool size : The size of the event pool can affect the introduction process. A larger transaction pool may require more time to complete the original block charging phase.

Example of use cases

Illustrates how indigenous municipalities' act in practice:

  • You have a fully synchronized node set to upgrade its local blockchain every minute (eg "getMinginfo).

  • The node receives a request from the user asking for the latest known block number and the previous block number.

  • Upon receipt of this request, the node sends the original block charging request to the network.

  • During this process, new blocks will be mined in response to the network transaction basin. These updates include the latest known block number, the previous block number and other relevant information.

When the original block charging phase is complete, the “original” has an updated value in this field. This allows you to monitor the node progressing and understand how it adapts to changes in the network update process.


“The original Blockdownload` field offers valuable views on the Blockchain update process and can help you understand how the node reacts to changes in the network event pool.

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