Convert ECDSA firm to DER coded format in Python

In this article, we will explore the processing and an ECDSA of a hexadecimal chain to a der (distension rules) encoded the ECDSA and 'hashlib python’s libries.

Required Librries *

  • ECDSA: To generate and verify ECDSA

  • Hashlib: for hehing and sign the input information

Example of code


Import ECDSA

Bitcoin: How to convert signature to DER encoded format in python

Import the ECDSA Library

Import hashlib

importing the hash library

of EC Import of EC #

Defines the key and the ECDSA firm

PUBKEY = b'your_pub_Key_hex_here '

Signature = b'signature_hex_here '

Create a new verification key that observes the public key provided

VK = ECDSA.verifyKey.from_string (BYS.FROMHEX (PUBKEY), CURVE = ECDSA.SECP256K1).

Define the HASH SHA-256 function and an instance of the HASHLIB Library

sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256 ()

Signs the entrance data using ECDSA (replane with the signature of yours)

Firming_data = Byterary ()

Vk.sign (signature, firming_data, Sha256_hash)

Convert the coded firm der to a hexadecimal chain

Der_encoded_signature = Bys (Firming_data) .hex ()

If vk.verify (bys.fromhamex (signature), bys.fromhamex (der_encodeed_signature), hashlib.sha256, sigdecode = ecdsa.siginghash.signinghash.signinghash.signinghash.signinghash.

Print ("successful verification!")


Print ("He failed verification!")


  • First the necessary booklets:

  • We define the ECDSA key (public and private) and the firm in hexadecimal format.

  • We create a new verifykey object using the public key provided.

  • We define the Hash-256 hash function and an instance of the 'hashlib' library to sign

  • We arevk.sign ()Method to convert

  • We verify the firm by comparing it without thevk.verify ()method. If they make we print "successful verification!" Ofhrwise, we print "Verification is worth!"

Important notes *

  • Make the replacement‘Your_pub_Key_Here’ ‘y' signature_hex_here '' is a public format and real signature.

  • TheECDSA.Siginghash.Derflag is used to encode this is a standard coding scheme for ECDSA.

  • You may have to adjust the code according to your specific requirements or handle different errors.

Following this example, he should successfully convert a Hexadecimal Ecdsa firm to Format coded by DER using the libraries' ECDSA and hashlib of Python.

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