Generation of reception address P2WASH MULTI-SIG Script
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When you deepen the understanding of Bitcoin and its fundamental protocols, it is crucial to explore the mechanisms that the portfolio uses to facilitate safe transactions. A critical aspect is to generate reception addresses, which are needed to receive funds from other users.
In this article, we will examine how to generate the addresses of the multi-sense script P2Wash in Python.
- Knowing Bitcoin Base and P2Wash Protocol
- Basic understanding of program concepts
The script for Multi-Sig P2Wash is a type of wallet that allows for a safe and more signature transaction. Here’s an example of the way you could be implemented:
Have a hashlib
imports of binascii
From the import of the Bech32 library
Define constant for hash blockchain and performance parameters of signature performance
Blockchain_hash = "Your_blockchain_hash_here"
Sigderivationparamer = 3
Def derive_signature (P, R, S):
"" "Drive a signature using a public key" "" ""
Return (hexlify (p) .decode () + hashlib.sha256 (b "s". Code ()). Digest (). Hex ())% 1000000
"" Generate P2Wash "" "" ""
Return bech32.decode_p2wsh_script (
f "1. {sig}. {r}. {s}. {n}",
[hexlify (p) .decode (), hashlib.sha256 (b "s". Code ()). Digest (). hex ()]
Def Main ():
Perform a public key, signature and random number
P = Delive_signature ("Your_Public_KEY_Here", 0x12, 0x34)
r = drift_signature (P, 1, 2)
S = performances_signature (r, 3, 4)
n = drift_signature (S, 5, 6)
Generate P2Wash Multi-Siger script
Script = p2wpub_script (p, no, r, s, n)
Print a generated script
Print (script.decode ("UTF-8"))
If __name__ == "__main__":
The reception address is a unique identifier that can be used to receive funds from other users. In the context of P2WWAW, the admission addresses are mainly performed using a similar procedure.
TheP2WPUB_SCRIPTFunction generates the Multi-Sig Script P2Wash, which includes a public key, signature, random number and parameters that are not accidental (R, S, N). In order to generate the addresses of this script, we must perform a unique identifier that is not present in the script.
Here's an updated code version:
` Python
Have a hashlib
imports of binascii
Define constant for hash blockchain and performance parameters of signature performance
Blockchain_hash = “Your_blockchain_hash_here”
Sigderivationparamer = 3
Def derive_signature (P, R, S):
“” “Drive a signature using a public key” “” “”
Return (hexlify (p) .decode () + hashlib.sha256 (b “s”. Code ()). Digest (). Hex ())% 1000000
“” Generate P2Wash “” “” “”
Return bech32.decode_p2wsh_script (
f “1. {sig}. {r}. {s}. {n}”,
[hexlify (p) .decode (), hashlib.sha256 (b “s”. Code ()). Digest (). hex ()]
Def Drive_receive_address (Script, Script_hash):
“” Multi-Sig “” “” “” “” “Scripting scripts
Parameter extract not -randa (r, s, n) and haste
R, s, n = extract_parameters (script)
Perform a unique identifier using a SHA-256
Id = hashlib.sha256 (r + s + n. Code ()). Digest ()
Return f “2. {Id.hex ()} {blockchain_hash}”
Def Extract_parameters (script):
“” Setuisher the parameters not -randa (r, s, n) and hash “” “” “
Extract signature, random number and parameters of the Nerandum
R, S = Extract_signature (script)
Id = hashlib.sha256 (r + s. ecode ()).