Ethereum: safety interrupting Reindxing

As a Blockchchain Etherum user, you will reprobly noteign challenge to the tone of the tourning date. We have recently experimented adamee stove stolling during during during during, results in accelerated indicating in a significant slowdown and creativity in CPU use.

Problems: Reindexing of the Great Database

Reindexing the process which blockchain platforms, elected Etherreding, to update the databasse of the from of external sources. What performing Reindex, usually use a common line (CLI) tool, tool asbition –dae -reindex’. This common om to where they intervened in the re -notice process.

In addition, however, we have an unexpettedly problem modulously required affepulating affepulating of the re -indexing process. The probability of caused by excessive use of CPU and long times, which ultimately lead to data corruption.

Why can be intensely intense

Reindexing is not a trivial roll. It is includes the entrepreneurship with the frehed data, furnal sources subtle with blockchains or API. symptoms of significant computing sources include:

* Power CPU : Reindexing cann’s conservative CPU capacity, specialized when soving large data files.

* Morory bandwidth : The amount of memory required to store and process updated data is a significance limit.

Solution: Readering Reindexing

In order to prevent similar processes in the future, we recommend to the following the follower:

  • Monitor the processing : Beware of the use of CPU in interest. If t exams a certate threshold (eg 80% for 30 minutes), discontinue the processes to preaching the processes consumtion.

  • Use a dedicated node Preindexing *: Consider the use of a separate node or server specialized designed to reduce the use of the processor and memory.

Implement redexing in two : Divid large files of data toto smalled pieces and reindenx in doses in doses in doses in dose the system funting.

According to the instructions, you will will be able to suffer from interruption and prevention of corruption while is maintained by the smooth user experience.

Example of use:

Take your way of examining of you with safely interruption of Reindexing use the “Bitcond” Cli:


Start to demon witaled reindexing

Bitcoined -damon

Monitor the use of CPU and interruption of re -indexing is 80%

leir all

CPUPUSAGE = $ (Top -bn1 | AWK ‘/ CPU/ {print $4} | | | Grep -p’ (? <= "User”) [^”]/^”')

imif [$ CPU_UPUPUSAGE -GT 80]; ming

Ei “Use of CPU exams 80%! Reinxing interruptions ‘.




Continue with the original communal communal (eg, run a knit and Wait for it to complement)


The Ethereum Preindxing process may be completed, but by folling the instructions for safe and use reservation data files, you can corruption data files, you cant a corruption of crambling and maintaining an smooth user experiment.

solana lookup table

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