What happens to Ethereum?

When the user proposes an Ethereum blockchain transaction, they send data from one account to another. This process is known as “transfer” or “payment”. The recipient of this transaction may then use it to transfer his assets or means.

Essentially, each Ethereum network transaction consists of several components: sender information (account address), receiver information (account address) and transmitted data (in this case, ether sum). But what really is sent?

Details of the transaction

When the user proposes the transaction, they create a message containing their account address, the recipient’s account address and the data to be transferred. This data may include:


Ethereum: When a transaction is broadcast to the network, what is actually being sent?

: A digital signature confirming the control of the sender over the funds transferred. The most common type of signature is called “checksum” or “KECCAK-256 hash”, which generates a unique code based on the transaction data.

  • The transaction fee : the amount of the ether paid to the network processing.

Is it hash?

Yes, it is right that every Ethereum transaction in some way includes the hash value. However, this is not what you might think.

When the user proposes the transaction, they create a message containing their account address and the data to be transferred. The addressee’s account address is then used to sign the transaction using their private key. This signed report is called “signature” or “digital signature”.

Hash value in this case actually refers to
transaction data , not just the Hash of individual transactions, as well as the public key of the receiver. Think about it as a nested structure:

  • The address of the sending account and the transaction data (eg the amount of ether transmitted)

  • Signature or digital checksum confirming ownership

  • The public key or address of the receiver (if applicable)

Why is it important?

Hash value Ethereum serves as a unique identifier for each transaction. It helps the network keep track of transactions, prevent double spending and ensure data integrity.

When the transaction is broadcast on the network, it is not just a simple “hash” that indicates the sender and the receiver information. Instead, it is a complex structure that includes the transaction data itself, as well as other metadata (eg signatures, transaction fees, etc.). This ensures that transactions are handled safely and efficiently.

In summary, when the user proposes an Ethereum transaction, they send a message containing their account address, the recipient’s account address and the data to be transferred. Signature or digital checksum confirms ownership, while Hash value (if any) refers to the complex structure of the transaction itself, including the sender, receiver and other metadata.

Ethereum Transaction Database

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