Private keys generation from 12 words phrases programmatically in C#

Metamask: How generate private keys from 12 words programmatically in C#

In recent years, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has gained significant attention throughout the world. Two of the most popular platforms to interact with the blockchain chain are the Ethereum and Binance smart chain. One of those platforms that has generated a lot of interest is Metamk. With its advanced characteristics and their ease of use, Metamk provides users with an incredible amount of flexibility to administer their cryptocurrencies.

One of Metamask’s key features is its ability to recover user accounts using 12 words phrases. However, when it comes to converting these phrases into private keys without using Metamask, things become a little more complex. In this article, we will explore how to generate private keys from 12 words phrases programmatically in C#.

Understand the concept of private keys

Before immersing ourselves in the solution, we understand what private keys are and why they are important in the context of blockchain technology. A private key is a unique code that allows you to interact with its cryptocurrency account in the block chain. It is essentially an encryption key that unlocks its funds or data.

Convert 12 words phrases into private keys

To generate private keys from 12 words phrases through programming, we will need to create a personalized class that can decode and encrypt these phrases using several algorithms. We will use the name space in C

for this purpose.

Here is an example of how I could implement it:


using the system;


using system.text;



Public static chain Convertphraprivatekey (chain phrase)


// Delete the score and convert to lowercase

phrase = phrase.replace (“”, “”) .tolower ();

// Divide the phrase into individual words

String [] Words = phrase.split (New Char [] {”}, stringsplytions.removeptyentries);

// Create a hash md5

Using (MD5 MD5 = MD5.CREATE ())


byte [] hashbytes = md5.computehash (words);

Stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder ();

for (int i = 0; i


SB.Append (hashbytes [i] .tostring (“x2”);


string privatekey = convert.fromhex (sb.tostring ());

private return Key;



Public Static Void Main (String [] args)


Chain phrase = “MyP4RF3AS3Cr1T3”;

String Privatekey = Convertphraprivatekey (phrase);

Console.Writelline ($ “Private Key: {Privatekey}”);




How works

Here is a step by step of the code:

  • Theconvertphrastoprivatekey

  • The phrase becomes lowercase using thetolowermethod.

  • The phrase is divided into individual words using thedivided ‘method with a spatial character as a delimiter.

  • A hash MD5 is created using the md5.create method, and is used to calculate the hash Sha-256 of the phrase.

  • The resulting bytes become the hexadecimal format to the binary format using the convert.fromhex method.

  • The binary representation of the hash is attached to a stringbuilder object, which is used to build the private key.

Note : This implementation uses MD5 as Hash and Sha-256 algorithm as an encryption algorithm. These are not safe methods to generate private keys and should not be used in production environments. For real world applications, consider using safer algorithms such as AES or RSA.

In summary, this article provided a step -by -step explanation of how to generate private keys from 12 words phrases programmatically in C#.


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